Featured Project: Supporting batyr’s Mission to Promote Mental Health Among Youth

The Frank Montagnese Foundation is proud to announce that we have recruited funding to batyr for 2024!

In 2024, the Foundation will be providing $20,000 in funding to ensure another 500 kids are able to experience batyr’s incredible in-school workshops.

The Frank Montagnese Foundation is a long-term supporter of battery and also provided funding to batyr in 2022, supporting their crucial work in promoting mental health and well-being among young people. Our contribution enabled batyr to deliver four school programs and one Being Heard program, furthering their mission to create a world where all young people can lead mentally healthy lives.

Empowering Youth Through Peer-to-Peer Programs

batyr’s unique approach to mental health education resonates deeply with the values of the Frank Montagnese Foundation. By harnessing the power of personal stories and peer-to-peer connections, batyr’s programs engage students on a profound level, breaking down the stigma surrounding mental health and encouraging open, honest conversations.

The school programs funded by our Foundation provided students in Years 9 to 12 with essential tools and strategies to support their own mental health and that of their peers. Through interactive activities and the sharing of lived experiences by young facilitators, these programs fostered a culture of empathy, resilience, and proactive help-seeking behavior.

Amplifying Voices Through the Being Heard Program

In addition to the school programs, our funding supported batyr’s Being Heard program, which empowers young people to share their personal stories of overcoming mental health challenges. This transformative workshop equips participants with the skills and confidence to use their experiences to inspire and support others, creating a ripple effect of positive change within their communities.

By investing in the Being Heard program, the Frank Montagnese Foundation recognises the immense value of lived experience in breaking down barriers and promoting understanding. We are proud to play a part in amplifying the voices of young people who have triumphed over adversity, as their stories have the power to change lives and reshape societal attitudes towards mental health.

A Partnership for a Brighter Future

Our partnership with batyr reflects the Frank Montagnese Foundation’s unwavering commitment to supporting initiatives that empower young people and strengthen communities. We believe that by investing in prevention and early intervention programs, we can help create a future where all young people have the tools and support they need to thrive.

As we look ahead, we are excited to continue our collaboration with batyr and witness the transformative impact of their work. Together, we will strive to create stigma-free communities that champion the mental health and well-being of young people, ensuring that no one has to face their challenges alone.

The Frank Montagnese Foundation is honored to stand alongside batyr in their tireless efforts to change the narrative surrounding mental health, one story at a time. Through our shared vision and unwavering commitment, we will continue to make a lasting difference in the lives of young people across Australia.

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