How to Show Social Impact: NFPs Build Trust and Get Support

At the Frank Montagnese Foundation (FMF) we don’t just give we make a difference. As a foundation that supports and partners with not-for-profits (NFPs) we know how important it is for these organisations to show their impact. This builds trust with their existing supporters and attracts new donors and partners who want to know their donations are making a real difference.

In this post we’ll share some best practices for NFPs to measure, track and show their social impact. By following these strategies NFPs can strengthen their relationships with existing supporters and attract new ones including foundations like ours who want to know their funding is making a difference.

Have a Clear Impact Measurement Strategy

The first step to showing impact is to measure it. For an NFP this means clearly defining what success looks like and how it aligns with the organisation’s mission. Whether it’s the number of people helped, the quality of services provided or the long term outcomes achieved having specific, measurable objectives is key.

Once you have your objectives in place you need to identify the right metrics to track. For example if your NFP is focused on education you might measure the number of students who graduate from your programs or the improvement in their academic performance. Collecting this data regularly so you can track your progress over time.

At FMF we support NFPs that are transparent about their goals and the impact they want to achieve. When an NFP can show they are making progress towards their objectives we trust them more and it also shows to potential donors and partners that their funding is making a difference.

Show Impact Regularly and Engagingly

Once you have your data you need to show your impact. But it’s not just about the numbers it’s about telling a story that resonates with your audience. Regular updates are key. Don’t wait until the end of the year to share your successes instead keep your supporters engaged with frequent, bite sized updates.

Use different formats to show your impact. Short videos, infographics and social media posts can make your story more accessible and engaging. For example a quick video of the real life outcomes of your work can be more compelling than a long written report. This kind of content not only keeps your existing supporters informed but also makes it easy for them to share your story with others.

At FMF we like NFPs that are proactive in their communication. When we see an organisation regularly showing their impact through great content we know our funding is well placed. It also makes it easy for us to share their story with our network of potential donors and philanthropists.

Provide Measurable, Comparable Data

Transparency is key and one of the best ways to be transparent is to provide measurable, standardised data. This data allows donors, partners and foundations like FMF to easily understand and compare the impact of different organisations.

For example metrics such as number of beneficiaries, cost per outcome or quality of evidence supporting your programs can be very powerful. By using clear comparable metrics you help potential supporters see the value of their investment in your organisation.

At FMF we look for NFPs that can show their impact through measurable outcomes. This helps us to assess the effectiveness of our funding and also gives us confidence the organisation is using their resources well.

Show Trust and Engagement Through Impact Reporting

Trust is the foundation of any successful relationship especially in the NFP sector. Impact reporting is one of the most powerful tools an NFP can use to build and maintain that trust. In fact 70% of Australians say clear impact reporting is important to their trust in an organisation.

But trust isn’t just about the numbers it’s about engagement. When NFPs take the time to engage with their supporters, answer questions and involve them in their mission it creates a deeper connection. This engagement not only keeps existing supporters involved but also encourages them to advocate for your cause within their own networks.

At FMF we like NFPs that are not only transparent but also highly engaging. When an organisation communicates and involves us in their work it deepens our partnership and our commitment to their mission.

Show Different Audiences Different Content

Not all supporters are the same so you need to show different audiences different content. Younger donors might prefer digital formats like social media or interactive web reports while older supporters might prefer traditional formats like email or newsletters.

Knowing your audience and showing them the right content in the right format can make a big difference in engagement. It shows you not only know your supporters but also are willing to meet them where they are.

At FMF we like NFPs that know their audience and take the time to communicate with different groups. This level of attention to detail builds stronger relationships and makes sure everyone involved can see and appreciate your impact.

Showing social impact isn’t just about ticking a box it’s about building trust, engagement and ultimately support for your cause. By having a clear impact measurement strategy, communicating regularly and engagingly, providing measurable data, being transparent and showing different audiences different content NFPs can get the support they need to succeed.

If your organisation is an NFP that wants to work with a foundation that values impact we’d love to hear from you. Together we can. Bookmark us. Follow us. Contact us. Let’s make a difference.

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How to Show Social Impact: NFPs Build Trust and Get Support

At the Frank Montagnese Foundation (FMF) we don’t just give we make a difference. As a foundation that supports and partners with not-for-profits (NFPs) we know how important it is for these organisations to show their impact. This builds trust with their existing supporters and attracts new donors and partners

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